Thursday, February 7, 2008

Vickie's Trip from Phonix to Utah 1/08 to 2/08

Well, its been a fun filled couple of weeks. I had my daughter Mandy, granddaughter Grace, and my little fuzzy duck mom Brenda come here to Phoenix for a week and then we all flew back to Salt Lake for an additional week.

I decided to go back to Utah with them to meet my future son in law Shaun Eligante. He proposed to my daughter Crystal a few weeks ago and decided to get married May 10th. I had to meet this man!!!! And what a great person he is! Not only good looking, sweet, intelligent, he is a great guy!!!! I am very happy that he chose Crystal to be his future bride. While in Salt Lake, Crystal found her wedding dress, we looked at the venue (Hale Theater), and started looking at flowers. WOW! So much in just a few days!